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Inter Feral Arts #8 – Concerts, lectures, workshops & PhD seminars

26 oktober 2023 19:00 till 21 december 2023 21:00 | Konsert, Seminarium
Cactus plant in the desert. Photo.

Inter Feral Arts is a platform for artistic excellence and experimental research in music. During October, November and December 2023, IAC and the Malmö Academy of Music will hold the next Inter Feral Arts Festival. The festival will include concerts, lectures & workshops, one 50% and two 75% PhD seminar. The events will take place at IAC and the Malmö Academy of Music.

Om evenemanget


Inter Arts Center, Red Room, 4th floor, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö & other locations


sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se