All My Relations 3: Relational practices, ecological awareness, and more-than-human encounters

2 & 17 September 2024
All My Relations 3 is an intensive PhD-workshop that explores the potential of performative and interdisciplinary practices to trigger transformation in human behaviour and ecological awareness. Artists and interdisciplinary researchers interested in existential resilience, more-than-human encounters and sustainable development are invited to bring their questions to a laboratory designed to connect art, research, and everyday life. Over the course of three days, participants will stay at Gylleboverket’s permaculture farm.
The applicants are asked to pay a fee of 600 SEK (around 60 €) to cover the full board during the workshop.
- Course description (PDF 157kb)
- Course registration: Send an application consisting of a one-page Word or PDF file including a short motivation and bio, telling us what kinds of questions, problems, and phenomena you find urgent and what you would like to study further with the other participants. The application is to be sent to Jan Michelsen (jan [dot] michelsen [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (jan[dot]michelsen[at]thm[dot]lu[dot]se)) with the words ALL MY RELATIONS written in the subject field.
- Deadline to register: 15 August 2024
- Course convenor: Sofie Lebech
Open for LU-Staff only.
Om evenemanget
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö (VR/Sound Lab)
sofie [dot] lebech [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se